Should you have problems with VHF reception read the following.
I have finally tracked down the cause of poor VHF radio performance on my 2006 331, namely corrosion at a joint in the cable.
On my 331 Siltala used ‘heavy duty’ 10mm RX??? cable with crimped ends. The cable is copper, but without anti corrosion tin coating. That would have been fine except they placed a cable joint just inside the deck beside the mizzen mast. I imagine that wind blown salt spray has made it along the exposed cable at the foot of the mast and down to this joint. 5 years later I undo the joint and the crimped plug fell of the cable !
This picture gives an idea of the corrosion which progressed nearly a meter down the cable.

I would like to know if other 331 owners have a jointed VHF cable and whether they know why the lower section of this cable disappears behind the panels on the starboard side when a more logical route would be a short length directly to the radio ?