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Throttle controls

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    When I bought my 331 I was told that I must always engage. Neutral before using the throttle control at the alternate station.
    Does anyone know if this is correct?
    Roger Sheriff


    I believe I was also told this for my 321.

    I assumed it is only common sense because it is basically saying ‘do not have both throttle controls open at the same time’. I thought that if you leave one open and then use the second one you will not have full control over being able to both close the throttle and put the engine into neutral.

    I am sure someone else with better knowledge of the mechanical situation of the throttle controls will be able to give a better answer.


    I have now had a response from Nauticat who confirm that the engine should be put into neutral from the initial control station before engaging the other control station


    Thanks Roger
    , But my problem occurred while manoeuvring in a marina, apart from engine starting I had not used the lower throttle and it was in neutral when we left, I can only assume that during my complex manoeuvres that involved turning the boat before berthing the controls clicked together and the lower one remained in ahead until I noticed the problem.
    I am now careful to check the lower control when approaching our berth.

    Thanks to all those who have commented on this problem.


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