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replacement for CETOL

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    7 years ago former owner of Naïla of Burnham recommended me the use of Cetol (by sikkens) as a wood protection product much easier to use than varnish. I did follow his advice for years but nowadays my cans of Cetol (in 4 different varieties : cetol marine natural, a darker cetol marine teak, a lighter cetol light natural, and a glossy natural glossy)) are either empty or dried out. The first three of those are use for wheelhouse, handrail, and ‘liston’

    That Cetol available 7 years ago was discontinued by sikkens between 2013 and 2016 due to an EEC regulation about solvent restrictions (REACH regulation).

    It appears this year that CETOL is again available by sikkens but with many different names (‘CETOL filter 7’ being the closest to my needs) and different colour (much less variation, one has a single choice of teak with no light or strong)

    My question is : Has anyone been faced with this new product, is CETOL filter 7 suitable, is it possible and viable to taint a raw product (as suggested by sikkens technical documentation ) in order to get light teak or strong teak

    Yves (Naïla of Burnham)


    Thanks Freek, interesting to know that they mix it in the shop to make the proper colour. That was not entirely clear from the sikkens leaflet.

    In the meantime I bough one can of Beoro Biowood lasure teak : no that perfect : – too watery (one liter covers 20 sq meter .vs. 15 for Cetol thus each layer is too thin ; – the taint is very slightly darker than my original light teak (not a problem), – the taint is not homogeneously mixed with the liquid leaving darker marks along brush directions, those marks have to be brushed over and over in order to rub them out.

    I’ll have a try at Cetol mixed to my own colours.

    Thanks again,

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