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portholes closures

Yachting Home Forums All things Technical Suppliers portholes closures

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  • #76288
    Michel AVRIL

    (thanks Deepl for the translation!)
    Hello to all
    I bought a 1983 Nauticat 38. I am in La Rochelle (France).
    I need to change the 12 handles of the portholes (some of them are broken).
    Do you know a supplier (somewhere in Europe)? – Or have you transformed these closures by adapting another system?
    Thank you very very very … much for your answers.

    Alasdair Woodfield

    I believe that the supplier was Ertec Denmark, their website : it shows spare parts for porthole handles. I cannot say that they are still available though !

    Good luck

    Alasdair Woodfield

    Alasdair Woodfield

    Also N.C.Bjerg are also mentioned on the Ertec DK website. Goggling N.C.Bjerg brings up photos of the window handles so they might be a good company to contact.


    Michel AVRIL

    Thanks a lot
    I just wrote them an email (on their website, the model I need is “sold out”!).
    I will see if they know of another supplier.
    Thanks for your reply.

    Michel AVRIL

    Many THANKS to both of you
    I found here :
    … at an affordable price!
    I’m waiting for their answer.

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