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Nauticat Association Merchandise

Yachting Home Forums Nauticat Association Merchandise


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    Please use the form here to order all of your Nauticat goodies.



     Richard Wakeham has selected, tested and created special order forms for our new supplier of Association merchandise. Please send any queries and/or comments to him ( 

    The range we can now offer is huge, all with the Association’s Logo and your boat name added if you want it.  You can get waterproofs, polo shirts, T shirts, Trousers, Jumpers,  Hoodies, Fleeces, Hats,  Bags and even towels !  There really is a very very large choice of items in their range.

    If you have not already downloaded the Excel spreadsheet and/or PDF order form to enter your order from the e-news announcement, ask Richard for them ( 

    Now follow the simple steps below:
    1. Firstly, go to and browse the catalogue. 
    2. Note down the item number, the size (the sizes do vary a little and each item has its own size guide), a colour choice and the price.  As you go you can either type in the details into the excel form attached, or you can hand write into the form attached as a PDF.
    3. The price quoted already includes the addition of the Nauticat Association logo.
    4. If you want to add your boat name then add £1.50 per item, and choose a colour (previously all boat names were printed in yellow).
    5. Postage and Packaging is a flat rate of £5.95.
    6. Add Vat at 20% to the total.
    7. Make sure you add your contact details to the form, including a telephone number.
    8. Telephone, post or email the form to Swift-UK (contact details are on the form) and they will confirm back a price, stock availability etc to you – you can then pay by a card or other method over the telephone.
    9. Orders take around 2-3 weeks and will be posted directly to your contact address.

    If you do not have access to the internet then we have selected some items for you from the catalogue – just complete the form.

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