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Leaking Rudder on a Nauticat 44

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    Post on behalf of Graham Downey

      Dear All,

      I need to find out how to carry out maintenance on a leaking Rudder on a Nauticat 44.

      I do not have any diagrams or drawings of where the seals are and what type of packing is required. Do any members have experience of this ?

      I would have to Purchase some large Stilsons I believe.

      I attach some photos, some before cleaning some after cleaning.


      Graham Downey

      Graham Downey
      Diving Safety H.S.E. Advisor


    It looks like a standard stern packing gland as fitted to propshafts.
    If it is like the rudder gland on my 321 it was just a matter of releasing the locking nut and then tightening up the main nut.
    I used one big stilsons and also some very large plumbers waterpump pliers.

    Presumably if very old the packing material may need replacing.
    Probably best to ask Nauticat directly what size the packing is.

    Piers Covill

    Hi there

    Looks similar to the arrangement of the rudder tube on my NC43. I had a special tool made to release the nuts. The chances are that the packing is OK but needs greasing. If you can clean up all the corrosion, you should find a grease nipple. Try pumping full of thick waterproof grease ( darglow engineering can supply). If this doesn’t seal it, then you need to tighten the nuts down, which means releasing the lower lock nut and then tightening the top nut. For me, this was not trivial, as the clearance is awkward and the nuts were very tight. Very happy to lend you my spanners: they are in Portsmouth but I am not there until early September now. Let me know.



    I have Nauticat 44 and as others have said the gland is the same as a standard shaft packing gland, so needs the same maintenance greasing, tightening, and new packing when the first two have been done to the limit of the available adjustment.
    As advised Nauticat should be able to supply or at least give you the correct sizes for replacement packing.


    victor crowhurst

    I’ve got down my list of maintainance jobs the surveyor gave me and the rudder stock is leaking. The grease nipple is very corroded, I think it will have to be replaced, but may disintigrate on the way out. Does anyone know what the thread size and type is on a 37?

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