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1982 N33 Skeg Hung Rudder Construction

Yachting Home Forums All things Technical Manuals and Diagrams Stern Gear & Below the water 1982 N33 Skeg Hung Rudder Construction

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  • #75894

    Has anybody got a drawing of the skeg hung rudder arrangement? I am particularly interested in how the rudder blade is attached to the rudder stock as it appears that to remove the rudder the stock has to be lifted clear into the steering compartment. The top of the stock is fitted with a coupling to which the tiller is bolted. My problem is that it appears that the keyway in the coupling and or the keyway on the stock are worn. The coupling boss is also fitted with a allen grub screw at about 90⁰circumferentially from the keyway, I assume this has been fitted to alleviate the play in the keyway.
    My intention is to remove the stock and either machine out the keyway on the stock and coupling fitting a new key to suit or machining a new keyway on the stock and coupling of original size 90⁰circumferentlally from the the existing keyway. Carl Suffield

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