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Very similar to the N42. You could fit self-steering on the back which isn’t the worst idea for the long term. Not sure about the N33 but our N42 has hydraulic steering.

We stress-tested it racing offshore last year, I know right racing a Nauticat! Anyway we came not last but had about 10-15mins of extreme pressure on the rudder at 6-7kts as a result of some spinnaker jibing challenges.

It did introduce some bubbles into the lines but was still eminently controllable. Didn’t take too much to rebleed the system and get them out.

Our backup from helm steering is the autohelm whose arm directly attaches to the rudder stock.

Alternatively, you could lock the rudder in a straight position, assuming there’s any left and have a backup jury rig. A pipe, pipe brackets and a metal plate that you could attach straight onto the transom if things were really getting bad. I’m planning to have something along those lines in case all else fails.