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HEADLINING – Nauticat 33′ MK2 (1979) “DULCIA”
One of the first jobs in the repair of mast step depression is to remove the internal headlining beneath the mast. It’s removal will allow full eye sight of the inner problems and allow access to conduct your repair strategy. This has started this week. On examination, to my surprise the vinyl headlining is backed with 10mm ply. Its thickness has made it difficult to remove and has resulted in some damage. As I am planning to replace / reuse the headlining to maintain authenticity I will inevitably require some additional material to replace the damaged sections. So my question is to ask if any one knows if this type of headlining is still available? and if so the details of the supplier. I would be grateful of any advice on this.
I hope to produce a description of the whole repair operation in due course.
many thanks
