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Many thanks for your reply. I hope I have not taken too much of your time today.

Your description sounds very familiar indeed. I read your mail with great interest.

I think I have 2 problems. The first is that I must clearly act fairly quickly to get stuck into the necessary repairs to resolve this depression. I am more than prepared to go’professional’ boat repair on this one, even though its going to be £££s. I normally go about the whole range of repairs on boats myself, but on this occasion I feel I will need to go to the professionals.

But the second problem is that I need to try to understand why this has happened and what has caused it. Is it the weakness of the king post base? Is it the weakness of the coach roof ? e.g. internal rotting.
etc. Is it a weakness of the King post assembly? I am still puzzled about large amount of rainwater that is permeating through the upper/outer corners of both sides of the cabin i.e. above galley and above dining area. Its very coincidental, is this related to the depression?

I have been tipped off that the coach roof is not a balsa sandwich and hence its inners could not have rotted.

Certainly I would by most grateful is you could send any related photos …

regards and many thanks indeed


Poole Yacht Club, Dorset